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Moulton School


SATS Results and Statutory Tests


Please note that SATS Tests/assessments did not take place in 2019/20 and 2020/21 due to Covid-19 so this data is from 2018/19

Early Years Results


Phonics Screening


KS1 Results


KS2 Results


KS1 to KS2 Progress Data (2016-2019)

The government will not publish KS2 school level data for the 2021/22 academic year.  They have archived data from the 2018/19 academic year because they recognise that the data from that year may no loner reflect urgent performance.

However, we have decided to publish our statutory assessment results this year to show how much progress our children managed to make despite the disruption caused by the pandemic.  We are very proud of the huge effort they put into 'catching up' on their learning.


KS1 Statutory Assessment Results

KS2 2021/22 SATS Results



EYFS/Y1 Phonics/Y2 Phonics Re-Tests/KS1 SATS/Y4 Multiplication Tests/KS2 SATS

KS1-KS2 Progress Scores



End of EYFS assessment Results/Y1&2 Phonics Screening Assessment Results/Y4 Multiplication Tables Test Results/KS2 SATS